
Attendance Policy

Ensuring that your son/daughter attends college every day is one of the most important things you can do to help them succeed at Corpus Christi. There are clearly documented links between regular attendance and attainment. All students should be aiming for 100% attendance and parents’ support and encouragement in achieving this is crucial.

How parents can work to encourage excellent attendance


We understand that on occasions students may have to miss school due to ill health. We ask that parents:

  1. Adopt a bracing approach to illness. Please only keep students off college when it is absolutely necessary.
  2. Contact collegel by telephone on the attendance line 0113 2009010 on the first day of absence by 8.45am indicating expected date of return.
  3. Send in a written explanation for the absence on the students return, to be given to the form tutor.

In cases of persistent or prolonged absence, the college may require medical evidence e.g. doctors note to explain the absence.

Medical appointments

Medical/dental appointments should be made out of college hours to prevent disruption to learning. Where this is not possible please write to your son/daughter’s form tutor with the appropriate evidence e.g. letter / appointment card.

Extended Circumstance Leave

Holidays must not be taken during term time. The amendments to the Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations (2013) states Head teachers may not grant any leave of absence for holidays during the term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Parents needing leave of absence for exceptional circumstances should contact the school and attend a meeting with the Attendance Support Worker. The exceptional reason should be outlined in detail and evidenced. Wanting to take advantage of off-peak holiday prices is not an exceptional circumstance.

Parents who take their children on holiday without permission will incur unauthorised absence for their child. These remain on the child’s record and will be monitored. Parents will also be issued with a fixed penalty notice.

Unauthorised Absence

In addition to holidays taken in term time, penalty fines can also be issued to parent/carers of students who have a series of 10 or more unauthorised absences.


Good punctuality is also essential for students’ progress. Students who are late for college miss learning and develop bad habits resulting in them being unprepared for the world of work. Each half term, those students who have been regularly late will receive either a detention or a day in Internal Exclusion. They may also be placed on a monitoring card.

How we will support you in encouraging good attendance

  1. Student Trackers will show your child’s level of attendance record each half term. We will clearly indicate if it is a cause for concern.
  2. We will produce weekly attendance bulletin so each form group can monitor their attendance.
  3. We will reward and recognise students with excellent attendance records.
  4. Parents will be informed by letter / phone call if we have concerns about attendance and punctuality levels.
  5. In severe cases of poor attendance / punctuality parents will be asked to come into school for an Attendance and Punctuality Panel meeting with senior members of staff and may be asked to complete a Parent Contract.

Download the Attendance Policy


Attendance Policy

Ensuring that your son/daughter attends college every day is one of the most important things you can do to help them succeed at Corpus Christi. There are clearly documented links between regular attendance and attainment. All students should be aiming for 100% attendance and parents’ support and encouragement in achieving this is crucial.

How parents can work to encourage excellent attendance


We understand that on occasions students may have to miss school due to ill health. We ask that parents:

  1. Adopt a bracing approach to illness. Please only keep students off college when it is absolutely necessary.
  2. Contact collegel by telephone on the attendance line 0113 2009010 on the first day of absence by 8.45am indicating expected date of return.
  3. Send in a written explanation for the absence on the students return, to be given to the form tutor.

In cases of persistent or prolonged absence, the college may require medical evidence e.g. doctors note to explain the absence.

Medical appointments

Medical/dental appointments should be made out of college hours to prevent disruption to learning. Where this is not possible please write to your son/daughter’s form tutor with the appropriate evidence e.g. letter / appointment card.

Extended Circumstance Leave

Holidays must not be taken during term time. The amendments to the Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations (2013) states Head teachers may not grant any leave of absence for holidays during the term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Parents needing leave of absence for exceptional circumstances should contact the school and attend a meeting with the Attendance Support Worker. The exceptional reason should be outlined in detail and evidenced. Wanting to take advantage of off-peak holiday prices is not an exceptional circumstance.

Parents who take their children on holiday without permission will incur unauthorised absence for their child. These remain on the child’s record and will be monitored. Parents will also be issued with a fixed penalty notice.

Unauthorised Absence

In addition to holidays taken in term time, penalty fines can also be issued to parent/carers of students who have a series of 10 or more unauthorised absences.


Good punctuality is also essential for students’ progress. Students who are late for college miss learning and develop bad habits resulting in them being unprepared for the world of work. Each half term, those students who have been regularly late will receive either a detention or a day in Internal Exclusion. They may also be placed on a monitoring card.

How we will support you in encouraging good attendance

  1. Student Trackers will show your child’s level of attendance record each half term. We will clearly indicate if it is a cause for concern.
  2. We will produce weekly attendance bulletin so each form group can monitor their attendance.
  3. We will reward and recognise students with excellent attendance records.
  4. Parents will be informed by letter / phone call if we have concerns about attendance and punctuality levels.
  5. In severe cases of poor attendance / punctuality parents will be asked to come into school for an Attendance and Punctuality Panel meeting with senior members of staff and may be asked to complete a Parent Contract.

Download the Attendance Policy


Attendance Policy

Ensuring that your son/daughter attends college every day is one of the most important things you can do to help them succeed at Corpus Christi. There are clearly documented links between regular attendance and attainment. All students should be aiming for 100% attendance and parents’ support and encouragement in achieving this is crucial.

How parents can work to encourage excellent attendance


We understand that on occasions students may have to miss school due to ill health. We ask that parents:

  1. Adopt a bracing approach to illness. Please only keep students off college when it is absolutely necessary.
  2. Contact collegel by telephone on the attendance line 0113 2009010 on the first day of absence by 8.45am indicating expected date of return.
  3. Send in a written explanation for the absence on the students return, to be given to the form tutor.

In cases of persistent or prolonged absence, the college may require medical evidence e.g. doctors note to explain the absence.

Medical appointments

Medical/dental appointments should be made out of college hours to prevent disruption to learning. Where this is not possible please write to your son/daughter’s form tutor with the appropriate evidence e.g. letter / appointment card.

Extended Circumstance Leave

Holidays must not be taken during term time. The amendments to the Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations (2013) states Head teachers may not grant any leave of absence for holidays during the term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Parents needing leave of absence for exceptional circumstances should contact the school and attend a meeting with the Attendance Support Worker. The exceptional reason should be outlined in detail and evidenced. Wanting to take advantage of off-peak holiday prices is not an exceptional circumstance.

Parents who take their children on holiday without permission will incur unauthorised absence for their child. These remain on the child’s record and will be monitored. Parents will also be issued with a fixed penalty notice.

Unauthorised Absence

In addition to holidays taken in term time, penalty fines can also be issued to parent/carers of students who have a series of 10 or more unauthorised absences.


Good punctuality is also essential for students’ progress. Students who are late for college miss learning and develop bad habits resulting in them being unprepared for the world of work. Each half term, those students who have been regularly late will receive either a detention or a day in Internal Exclusion. They may also be placed on a monitoring card.

How we will support you in encouraging good attendance

  1. Student Trackers will show your child’s level of attendance record each half term. We will clearly indicate if it is a cause for concern.
  2. We will produce weekly attendance bulletin so each form group can monitor their attendance.
  3. We will reward and recognise students with excellent attendance records.
  4. Parents will be informed by letter / phone call if we have concerns about attendance and punctuality levels.
  5. In severe cases of poor attendance / punctuality parents will be asked to come into school for an Attendance and Punctuality Panel meeting with senior members of staff and may be asked to complete a Parent Contract.

Download the Attendance Policy