Section 48 Reports

Section 48
Final Report

The Catholic Life of the School
and Religious Education

There is much to celebrate at Corpus Christi. Pupils, staff, Governors, Parents, external agencies all work together in a joyful, prayerful community. The Catholic life of the school is in strong hands being clearly and demonstrably a priority above all else. Good relationships are in evidence and strong leadership is now beginning to drive improvements across the whole school. The school has the capacity to become an outstanding school.

Section 48 Reports

Section 48
Final Report

The Catholic Life of the School
and Religious Education

There is much to celebrate at Corpus Christi. Pupils, staff, Governors, Parents, external agencies all work together in a joyful, prayerful community. The Catholic life of the school is in strong hands being clearly and demonstrably a priority above all else. Good relationships are in evidence and strong leadership is now beginning to drive improvements across the whole school. The school has the capacity to become an outstanding school.

Section 48 Reports

Section 48
Final Report

The Catholic Life of the School
and Religious Education

There is much to celebrate at Corpus Christi. Pupils, staff, Governors, Parents, external agencies all work together in a joyful, prayerful community. The Catholic life of the school is in strong hands being clearly and demonstrably a priority above all else. Good relationships are in evidence and strong leadership is now beginning to drive improvements across the whole school. The school has the capacity to become an outstanding school.