Current Admissions Arrangements
Thank you for your interest in Corpus Christi Catholic College.
We are a Catholic College where every child is valued as a unique individual, created by God with an eternal destiny. Gospel values and the teachings of the Catholic Church underpin all aspects of College life and we place Christ at the centre of all that we do. We seek to support and challenge our students as they grow into adulthood, knowing it is important for them to do their best, care for those around them and bear witness to Christ in the modern world.
As a Catholic College, we provide daily opportunities for reflection, prayer and worship. Each day begins with prayer and the celebration of the Eucharist is central to the life of the school. We strive to put our mission statement in to practice every day – Together we Work, Learn, Pray, Grow and become the people God has called us to be.
The College provides a broad curriculum offer for all students and achieves good examination results. An Ofsted Inspection was undertaken at the College in May 2019 which confirmed that the College remains “Good” and a Diocesan Inspection was undertaken in June 2019 which judged the Catholic life of the College to be “Outstanding”.
The success of all our students is achieved through the combination of excellent teaching and learning, a comprehensive pastoral support network and working in partnership with yourselves. All of which promotes a strong family culture in which we give all of our students the support they need to be successful academically, personally and spiritually so that they can make a positive contribution to society.
We welcome applicants from people of all faiths who wish to benefit from, and are able to support, our Catholic ethos. Please see some of the images from our Open Evening in October and take a look at our virtual tour click. If you would like any further information, please contact us at and ask any questions which you and/or your child may have regarding this important step in their education.
To apply for a place in Year 7 for September 2024 in the normal admission round, a standard application form known as the Common Preference Form (CPF) must be completed, and returned to the relevant Local Authority by 31 October 2023. Failure to provide a CPF would mean that an application is not valid.
If parents feel that they should be in a specific category i.e. Baptised Catholic, then they are required to complete a Corpus Christi Catholic College Supplementary Information Form (SIF) 2024-25 and provide the required evidence. If you require a paper copy, please contact the school. The SIF should be submitted by 31 October 2023 to, Admissions Officer, Corpus Christi Catholic College, Neville Rd, Leeds LS9 0TT or Failure to provide a SIF may affect the category your application is placed in. Please note that it is the responsibility of the parent/carer to complete all forms and supply evidence – reminders will not be sent.
Parents/carers will be advised of the outcome of their application on 1 March 2024 by the Local Authority. Unsuccessful applicants will be given reasons related to the over-subscription criteria listed in the Admissions Policy and advised of their right of appeal. Details of the appeals process can be found below.
Corpus Christi Catholic College was founded by the Catholic Church to provide education for children of Catholic families. Whenever there are more applications than places available, priority will be given to Catholic children in accordance with the oversubscription criteria listed below. The college is run by its governing body as part of the Catholic Church in accordance with its Trust Deed and Instrument of Government, and seeks at all times to be a witness to Jesus Christ.
As a Catholic College, we aim to provide a Catholic education for all our students. At a Catholic school, Catholic Doctrine and practice permeate every aspect of the school’s activity. It is essential that the Catholic character of the school’s education be fully supported by all families in the school. We therefore hope that all parents will give their full, unreserved and positive support for the aims and ethos of the school. This does not affect the right of an applicant who is not Catholic to apply for and be admitted to a place at the school in accordance with the admission arrangements.
The Governing Body is the admissions authority and has responsibility for admissions to the school and intends to admit 192 students to Year 7 in the school year which begins in September 2023.
Students with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health & Care Plan (see note 1)
The admission of students with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health & Care Plan is dealt with by a completely separate procedure. Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health & Care Plan that names the school must be admitted. Where this takes place before the allocation of places under these arrangements this will reduce the number of places available to other children.
Oversubscription criteria
At any time where there are more applications for places than the number of places available, places will be offered in the following order of priority:
- Catholic looked after children and previously looked after Catholic children or looked after/previously looked after children from catholic families. (see notes 2 & 3).
- Catholic children with a sibling who attends Corpus Christi Catholic College. (see notes 3 & 6).
- Catholic children who attend the following feeder primary schools: St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School, Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School, St Nicholas Catholic Primary School, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Primary School and live within the defined area of the schools (see notes 3 & 4).
- Catholic children who live in the above named defined areas. (see notes 3 & 4).
- Catholic children who currently attend one of the Catholic primary schools (listed in 3 above) but do not live in the defined area.
- Other Catholic children. (see note 3).
- Other looked after and previously looked after children with a sibling who attends Corpus Christi Catholic College. (see note 2 & 6).
- Other looked after and previously looked after children. (see note 2).
- Members of an Eastern Christian Church. (see note 6).
- Other children with a sibling who attends Corpus Christi Catholic College.
- Other children who currently attend one of the following Catholic feeder primary schools, St Theresa’s Catholic Primary school, Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School, St Nicholas Catholic Primary School, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Primary School
- Other children.
Tie Break
- Where the offer of places to all the applicants in any of the categories listed above would still lead to oversubscription, the available places will be offered to those living nearest to the school. ‘straight line distance’ will be used as the measure (see notes 8 & 9).
- If two or more students live equidistant from the school, places will then be decided by random allocation (see note 10).
- Where there is more than one application from a postal address contained within a block of flats, places will be decided by random allocation (see note 10).
Application Procedures and Timetable
To apply for a place at this school in the normal admission round (year 7) a standard application form, known as the Common Preference Form must be completed online and returned to the Local Authority by 31 October 2022. Failure to complete an online Common Preference Form would mean that the application is not valid.
If parents feel that they should be in a specific category i.e. Baptised Catholic, they should complete a Supplementary Information Form and provide the required evidence. The Supplementary Information Form is attached to this policy and should be submitted by 31 October 2022 directly to the school to, or Admissions Officer, Corpus Christi Catholic College, Neville Road, Leeds, LS9 0TT. Therefore, failure to provide a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) could affect the category your application is placed in. Please note that it is the responsibility of the parent/carer to complete all forms and supply evidence – reminders will not be sent.
Parents or carers will be advised of the outcome of their applications on 1 March 2023. Unsuccessful applicants will be given reasons related to the over-subscription criteria listed above and advised of their right of appeal to an independent appeal panel.
Late Applications
If you return the Common Preference Form after the deadline we cannot consider your application at the same time as those received on time. Late applications will be dealt with once all other applicants have been considered in accordance with the Local Authority Co-ordinated scheme.
Admission of Children Outside their Normal Age Group
A request may be made for a child to be admitted outside of their normal age group, for example, if the child is gifted and talented or has experienced problems such as ill health.
Any such request should be made in writing to Clerk to Governors, Corpus Christi Catholic College, Neville Road, Leeds, LS9 0TT at the same time as the application is made. The Governing Body (will make its decision about the request based on the circumstances of each case and in the best interests of the child. In addition to taking into account the views of the Headteacher, including the head teachers statutory responsibility for the internal organisation, management and control of the school, the governing body will take into account the views of the parents and of appropriate medical and educational professional as appropriate.
In Year Applications
An application can be made for a school place for a child at any time outside the admission round and the child will be admitted where there are available places. Applications should be made direct to the local authority in writing and uploaded here. You should also complete a Supplementary Information form if you would like your application to be considered in a specific oversubscription category and return this to the school.
Where there are places available but more applications than places, the published oversubscription criteria, as set out above will be applied. If there are no places available, the child will be added to the waiting list (see below).
You will be advised of the outcome or your application in writing, and you have the right of appeal to an independent appeal panel as outlined in the Letter.
Waiting lists
In addition to their right of appeal, unsuccessful children will be offered the opportunity to be placed on a waiting list. This waiting list will be maintained in the order of the oversubscription criteria set out above, and not in the order in which applications are received or added to the list. Each time a child is added, the waiting list will be re-ranked in line with the published oversubscription criteria. Waiting lists for admission will operate throughout the school year. Names are removed from the waiting list at the end of each academic year. Inclusion on the waiting list does not mean that a place will eventually become available.
Fair Access Protocol
The school is committed to taking its share of children who are vulnerable and/or hard to place, as set out in locally agreed protocols. Accordingly, outside the normal admission round the governing body is empowered to give absolute priority to a child where admission is requested under any locally agreed protocol. The governing body has this power, even when admitting the child would mean exceeding the published admission number (subject to the infant class size exceptions).
Notes (these notes form part of the over-subscription criteria)
- A Statement of Special Educational Needs is a statement made by the local authority under section 324 of the Education Act 1996, specifying the special educational provision for a child. An Education, Health and Care Plan is a plan made by the local authority under section 37 of the Children and Families Act 2014, specifying the special educational provision required for a child.
- Looked After Child has the same meaning as in section 22 of the Children Act 1989, and means any child who is (a) in the care of a local authority or (b) provided with accommodation by them in the exercise of their social services functions (e.g. children with foster parents) at the time of making the application to the school A ‘Previously looked after child’ is a child who was looked after, but ceased to be so because he or she was adopted, or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order
- Catholic means a member of a church in communion with the See of Rome. This includes the Eastern Catholic Churches. This will normally be evidenced by a certificate of baptism in a Catholic church, or a certificate of reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church, alternatively a letter from a parish priest confirming membership of a church in communion with the See of Rome. Looked After Children from Catholic Families – this has a dual meaning. It could be the child themselves who are baptised Catholic or it could be the family who are caring for the child that is Catholic. If it is the child who is a baptised Catholic normal rules apply and a baptism certificate should be seen by the admission authority. However, (in limited situations) this may not always be possible and in these cases the admission authority should seek to ensure that there is evidence that the child has been baptised. If a child is placed with a Catholic family who wish the child to have a Catholic education this should be evidenced by a letter from a priest evidencing the baptism of the parent/ carer.
- Sibling(s) (brother or sister) includes:
- children with a brother or sister (including siblings, step-siblings, adoptive siblings and foster siblings) of statutory school age, living at the same address, in attendance at the same school on the date of admission.
- The child of a parent’s partner where that child lives for at least part of the week in the same family unit at the same home address as the child who is the subject of the application
- Defined area is a geographical area for the purposes of this policy. Please see defined area maps available for inspection in school (boundaries determined by the Diocese of Leeds).
- Eastern Christian Church includes Orthodox Churches, and is normally evidenced by a certificate of baptism or reception from the authorities of that church.
- Twins or triplets (or multiple births) – where a family of twins or triplets request admission and if one sibling has been offered the last available place the other twin/triplets are offered a place.
- A child’s ‘home address’ refers to the address where the child usually lives with a parent or carer, and will be the address provided in the Common Preference Form (CPF). Where parents have shared responsibility for a child, and the child lives for part of the week with each parent, the home address will be the address given in the CPF, provided that the child resides at that address for any part of the school week.
- Straight line distance – in all categories, when decisions have to be made between children satisfying the same criterion, children living nearest to the school, using a straight line measure, have priority. Straight line distance will be measured from the centre of the main school building to the centre of the applicant’s home address using the information supplied for this purpose by the Local Authority.
- Random allocation – this is only to be used when the last place to be offered would fall into one of the two categories above i.e. children living in a block of flats or children who live equidistant from the school using straight line distance criterion. An independent person will be used to make the random selection.
Admission Appeal – Chair of Governors
Corpus Christi Catholic College
Neville Road
Appeal Timetable
The following information details the timescales and processes for logging an appeal if an application has been unsuccessful.
Normal Round
- Parents have 20 school days to lodge an appeal from date of notification that their application was unsuccessful.
- The Appeal must be heard within 40 school days of deadline for lodging an Appeal i.e. within 60 school days from date of notification of unsuccessful application.
- Papers and details such as date, time and venue will be sent to parents at least 10 school days before the Appeal hearing.
- Parent can send further evidence to the Clerk to the Appeals Panel before the Appeal takes place but no later than 5 school days before.
- Decision letters will be sent to parents within 5 school days following the Appeal.
Late Applications
- As above where possible or within 30 school days if the application is later than the timeline above allows. Papers and details such as date, time and venue will be sent to parents at least 10 school days before the Appeal hearing.
- Parent can send further evidence to the Clerk to the Appeals Panel before the Appeal takes place but no later than 5 school days before.
- Decision letters will be sent to parents within 5 school days following the Appeal.
In Year Applications
- Appeals will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged by the parent.
- Papers and details such as date, time and venue will be sent to parents at least 10 school days before the
Appeal hearing.
- Parent can send further evidence to the Clerk to the Appeals Panel before the Appeal takes place but no later than 5 school days before.
- Decision letters will be sent to parents within 5 school days following the Appeal.
For enquiries about admissions , please contact:
Admissions Officer
Useful Links
Leeds City Council - Secondary School Admissions Poster
Leeds City Council- Applying for secondary school places - September 2023
Supplementary Information Form (SIF) 2023-2024
Defined Area Maps
Determined Admission Arrangements 2026-27
St Gregory the Great Catholic Academy Trust ran a consultation process between 25 November and 6 January on the admission arrangements for Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Primary School for September 2026 in line with the requirements of the School Admission Code 2021.
The admission arrangements for 2026 have been determined and can be found below:
Link to 2026 Admissions Policy and SIF